Powerful Treasures for Discerning Individuals
Our gorgeous products will exceed your expectations. Hundreds of five-star reviews. Flexible payments and international shipping welcome.
Improve Your Magic, Improve Your Life
The Sorcerous Method
If you’re the sort of occultist who has taken the courses, bought the books and put things into practice but still finds that your day-to-day is a far cry from what you’d hoped it’d be, The Sorcerous Method is for you.
Year Ahead Reading
Have a look at what to expect in 2024. Having this information ready allows plenty of time to strategize, enchant and conjure your way into victory. Forewarned is, of course, forearmed. Each month will be explained with a three-card pull and for those who want a deeper exploration of a given month, additional readings can be purchased to fully flesh-out the situation.
Here at Practical Occult we are excited to announce the latest of many small, one-off courses on various aspects of magic from the ground up. In keeping with our dedication to providing Discerning Individuals with the ideal and highest quality experiences in magic and operative sorcery, we have decided to launch a series of magic courses that can help not only fill in knowledge gaps that may exist for occultists online but that may provide tips and tricks to take an individual practice to the next level.
Now available: Saint Magic
Available now from Hadean Press: The Secrets of Helios: Unlocking the Practical Uses of PGM IV.1596-1715 by Alison Chicosky, with an original translation by Cory C. Childs and artwork by Adaline Soothtell.