In keeping with our dedication to providing Discerning Individuals with the ideal and highest quality experiences in magic and operative sorcery, we have decided to launch a series of courses that can help not only fill in knowledge gaps that may exist for occultists online but that may provide tips and tricks to take an individual practice to the next level.

Candle Magic
It’s a ubiquitous part of magic today, the idea of burning spell candles upon an altar. These vessels of magical force and bright-burning, world-shaping energy come in many forms and are used in many ways. Mastering fire to illuminate our witchcraft is second-nature to most practitioners in our world and, yet, often people find their candle spells lacking in a certain punch and profundity of result.

Love Magic
The “Love Question” is often considered the most pressing, emotionally-charged and difficult to maneuver in the occult world today. Especially in the wake of the pandemic, so many are at a loss for romantic satisfaction and unsure how to even approach it effectively in the current changing world.

Money Magic
It’s often been said that money cannot buy happiness.
While it may be true that money, by itself, cannot purchase soul-level life satisfaction, money can purchase ease, a lack of stress, agency and freedom. Money, in essence, can be traded for much of what we use magic for. Wealth can open roads, secure allies and acquire treasures. In short, money is a form of magic.

It has been said by many that we live in a spirit-haunted world. Many an occultist has been in haunted houses, seen ghosts, kept up with loved ones from beyond the grave and enjoyed an autumnal stroll through a cemetery. Beyond this, the specters and shades that populate the world have their own economy, their own wants and desires and their own motivations for helping us in our lives.

Planetary Magic
From Pentacles to Angels, from Intelligences to Spirits, falls the shadow of a corpus of Planetary sorcery that has brought miracles and life-changing magical evolution to the practices of so many throughout history. We at Practical Occult have endeavored to produce for you a series of seven lectures on planetary magic that will unravel the mysteries, spiritual flavors and some spells unique to each planetary current that will take the student to a place in their practice where they can be comfortable not just working this magic but expanding it into a growing force in their sorcery and lives.

Protection Magic
In a changing and sometimes tumultuous world, whether the landscape of the occult community online or just the day-to-day grind, a magician is often in need of defensive measures. Whether it is protecting against the curses of an ill-tempered rival, wayward spirits brought home after a night of cemetery-walking wherein proper protocols were forgotten in haste or excitement or simply a shield against the unconscious negative energies of a toxic workplace, these courses will come in handy.

We here at Practical Occult make no secret of being great fans of Pentacles and their miraculous effects on our world. However, an often spoken-of but little elaborated-upon aspect of magic is the reality that the Solomonic Pentacles can be employed across a wide range of sorcerous systems and thaumaturgical technologies.

Spirit Diplomacy
Often a newly developing occultist hears their peers say things like “my spirits told me X” or “I spoke to my spirits the other day and…” or even “I saw this spirit of mine and it looks like this…” This factor in magic seems at once ubiquitous and untenable for so many. The frustration that follows this, the half-answers many give as to the nature of not just training to perceive spirits but the proper methods to foster real relationships is understandably upsetting. We at Practical Occult see this issue and are doing our best to answer it in a three-part course on Spirit Diplomacy!

Mojo Hands: the Miracle Bundle
Coming 2024
A Game of Hearts
The Love Question is one Practical Occult has sought to address in 2023’s Love Magic class. This was done by approaching the sorcery behind the subject in a method that, while not shying away from the realities of life, still strove to remain ethical, focused and complete. The goal was to provide education that the…