Cursing 101

In a difficult world, sometimes one is forced to make difficult decisions. The lives we lead can be far from fair and it is the mission of Practical Occult to arm our discerning customers with everything they may need, from amulets to sorcerous techniques, to level the playing field.

Coming off of the heels of our Protection Magic series is the other side of that coin: aggressive magic. Making no bones about it, this is a class on cursing. This class will provide the student with an introduction to casting offensive spells that harm people, places and spirits if need be. Defending oneself cannot be entirely an act of fortification and turtling up. Sometimes it takes striking back to solve problems.

Cursing 101 $60

All classes are pre-recorded, approximately one hour each, and facilitated by Alexander Moore.

After purchase the course will be emailed within 1-3 days. For those who have purchased the course bundle, the subsequent courses will be sent the day of release.

Alexander Moore
Author: Alexander Moore

My name is Alexander Moore and I am a practicing esotericist with over two decades of active experience in several occult systems including Solomonic Magic, Conjure and other folk practices and Traditional Witchcraft. I am proud to provide coaching, mentorship and divination for occultists who are interested in taking their magic and their lives to the next level in a changing world.