Poppets and Pentacles

The intersection of folk magic and Solomonic Pentacles is a much-discussed topic in recent years and rightly so. The myriad uses of Pentacle magic find their home seamlessly in the vast expanse of rootwork and conjure among other systems. To say the applications are functionally endless would not be an exaggeration by any means! That, if you ask us at Practical Occult is not just a delight but a potential treasure-trove of strategies and methods one could employ to handle a variety of problems.

One such example that’s easy to point to is the application of poppet magic or other effigy sorcery and Pentacles. In the attached photograph one finds a healing spell using the 2nd of Mars affixed to a doll containing links to a client all staged upon a slate 1st of Mars to call in helpful angels associated with directing the spirits under the rulership of that planet. Towards this end, we anchor the healing magic directly to the client at a distance by essentially having them wear the amulet via sympathetic magic.

To create a doll of someone, adorn it with any pentacle or stage it upon any pentacle is an excellent way to bridge the gap between folk and grimoire magic so effectively that one could question how such a gap could ever have been assumed to exist. Obviously, a cursory study of history shows that it never really did! This should inspire Discerning Individuals to explore this concept further.

Classes on the Sorcery of Pentacles and the creation of Effigies exist on our site but even this short article and attending photograph can go a long way in stoking the creative fires of magicians just learning how to mix these streams of magic in their own lives. Another example not pictured but often employed is to create a pentacle on a cork board and affix a doll to it, either right-side up to draw in the good energies of the pentacle or upside down to remove it.

We at Practical Occult are glad to provide inspirational material examples to all of our clients, customers and students.

Alexander Moore
Author: Alexander Moore

My name is Alexander Moore and I am a practicing esotericist with over two decades of active experience in several occult systems including Solomonic Magic, Conjure and other folk practices and Traditional Witchcraft. I am proud to provide coaching, mentorship and divination for occultists who are interested in taking their magic and their lives to the next level in a changing world.