The Armory’s Quandary: The Right Tool for the Job 

In a world of options, it is not uncommon for those of us at Practical Occult to get multiple questions about which protective amulet is ideal for the individual customer. This is a fair question as, indeed, we do sell a host of them and each is somewhat different. To this end, allow this post to serve as a sort of master-reference for those in need of a bit more elucidation and education on the subject. 

Some items like the Sixth Pentacle of Mars protect primarily from attacks, spiritual and otherwise, directed to the owner. This is ideal for people in any field, magical or mundane, where they may meet the toothy end of life. This is also ideal for people who believe themselves under threat by human or spiritual factors in their environments. Sometimes one must be honest with oneself and admit that not all places are safe and that not all people are friendly. 

By contrast, the Fifth of Mars is most useful for practitioners of magic. This pentacle protects from the machinations, attacks, slings and arrows of chthonic or demonic spirits and, further, serves to bind and control them under the direction of the magician owning this item and wielding it expertly in a grimoire context. These martial spirits additionally protect against deliberate or accidental psychic attack, and other directed non physical danger. This includes curses, spells, and other malefic workings as they are being thrown (but will not break a curse that has already taken hold).

The Sixth of Jupiter is more the day-to-day, all-purpose protective ally. Accidents of all kinds, slip-ups and even the spirits of bad luck in general are warded off as this Jupiterian shielding rests like a mantle of ease on the customer who owns it. 

The Jupiter Honors Pentacle has a specific focus on, you guessed it, the reputation and social identity of the owner. In our hectic and digital world where social mores change like the tides, this is an invaluable support for what should be obvious reasons. 

Any of the health pentacles, Solar, Jupiterian or otherwise, protect as a preemptive measure against disease. The old wisdom of “if you pray for any single thing, pray for health” comes to mind here. In the presence of health, it is often taken for granted. In its absence, it is the only thing one desires. It is the scales that balance and the foundation upon which an individual life often rests.

For the truly Discerning Individual, one finds the Mars Bracelet of Total War and its more sleek, subdued but no less potent equivalent the Mars Phalanx Card. A combination of all the most useful Mars amulets into one item that is carried through the life of the owner like a personal retinue of body-guards or soldiers. Truly, the protective detachment of a King or Queen, these items provide a protection of a nigh-universal sort that aims to counteract all potential woes as they appear or, ideally, before they generate. 

From this short explanation, we at Practical Occult hope that our client base is empowered to make the correct choice for themselves as regards protective items in this changing, tumultuous world. We aim to arm people with sources of magical agency and solution-making that provide the advantage one might need to gain the edge or upper hand in any of life’s myriad twists and turns. 

In addition to buying spiritual armor, those active occultists among our client base who desire to take a direct approach to handling their own protection will be happy to know we offer a series of protection magic classes on the website. From the novice all the way up to the intermediate practitioner, every level of these classes has something for everyone who desires to enhance their safety in life. 

Alexander Moore
Author: Alexander Moore

My name is Alexander Moore and I am a practicing esotericist with over two decades of active experience in several occult systems including Solomonic Magic, Conjure and other folk practices and Traditional Witchcraft. I am proud to provide coaching, mentorship and divination for occultists who are interested in taking their magic and their lives to the next level in a changing world.