PDM xiv. 574-85
Last night I was eating some fish and the tiniest bone got stuck in my throat. It wasn’t choking or cutting me, but it was extremely irritating, and I could feel it when I swallowed. I could not wash it down with further food and drink. I remembered there is a spell for someone who…
The Names of PGM IV.1596-1715
This post is a proposal for the translations of the names of the forms of the sun in PGM IV.1596-1715. Translations from the Greek by Cory C. Childs. Potential translations of Late Egyptian by Nicanthiel Hrafnhild. In the first hour you have the form of a cat, your name is Pharakounēth; give glory and grace…
Arcanvm Podcast: S3E10 Alison Chicosky
In S3 E10, I sit down with practitioner, author, and founder of the brand Practical Occult, Alison Chicosky. We discuss her latest work on the Secrets of Helios, some perspectives on magic, working with the Greek Magical Papyri or PGM and more…
PGM CXXIII a 51-55 “For Sleep”
While the complex material mentioned in some PGM spells has almost become a running joke amongst practitioners, there are also many spells that require no material or something simple like a piece of paper or a leaf. Recently a friend mentioned that they had been sleeping poorly. I had this spell bookmarked for the next…
The Secrets of Helios – Alison Chicosky & Cory C. Childs – Hadean Podcast #4
Alison Chicosky and Cory C. Childs join us this month to discuss their new translation and exegesis of PGM IV. 1596 – 1715, the Consecration for all Purposes, which they have named, ‘The Secrets of Helios’. Together we delve into the texts of the PGM, their importance to modern practice, adaptability and application, discussing the…
Coffee & Divination Podcast
Episode 32: Alison Chicosky on Practical Magic and PGM Spells Our second episode of 2023, and it was a wonderful conversation with PGM and practical occult practitioner Alison Chicosky. Alison is the author of “The Secrets of Helios: Unlocking the Practical Uses of PGM IV.1596-1715” which was recently released by Hadean Press. She is a…
Strange Dominions Podcast Episode 32. Ancient magic for modern times with Alison Chicosky of Practical Occult
Strange Dominions Podcast Episode 32. Ancient magic for modern times with Alison Chicosky of Practical Occult On this episode of Strange Dominions, Octavian speaks with Alison Chicosky. The two speak about Alison’s beginnings in magic, her experience with the PGM and her work with talismans, pentacles and other occult items at her own shop, Practical Occult.
The Consecration for All Things This Resource Page is a collaboration between Cory C Childs and Alison Chicosky of Practical Occult “This is the consecration of all things. Address to the sun: “I call upon you, the greatest god, everlasting lord, master of the cosmos, who is over the cosmos and under the cosmos, stout…