Not all magic is complicated. Our ancestors often used simple magic to handle common issues. Consider this scorpion sting spell from a collection of papyri written in Egypt during late antiquity.
PGM VII- 193-96 For a Scorpion Sting
I first tested this when a friend who lives in Arizona posted that he had been stung by a scorpion, and though several hours had already passed, he rated his pain at 7 out of 10. He did not see the scorpion that stung him.
I contacted him as soon as I saw the post, and asked if he would humor me by trying out an ancient remedy for scorpion stings. He said yes, so I sent him a picture of the symbols in the spell. He simply copied the symbols onto regular paper and taped it to his finger.
Results: he says it worked, taking the pain from a 7 down to “just a little tingle”.
I recently had opportunity to confirm that this spell also cures the pain of a spider bite.
I encourage folks to try this out themselves and comment if it works for you.
Simply copy the symbols from the comments, and apply to the affected area.
Please do not consider this a replacement for medical care. If you think you have been bitten or stung by something venomous, see a professional.
A. Chicosky