Tag: Mercury

  • Spirits of the Fourth of Mercury

    Spirits of the Fourth of Mercury

    Much has been speculated about the Allatori, in the wake of the description in Clavicula Salomonis, MS Aub 24, 1674 which I will not repeat here. However I will say that the description from that grimoire is nothing like what I and others familiar with the Fourth Pentacle of Mercury have experienced. To set the…

  • Mercury Success

    Mercury Success

    From the Veritable Key of Solomon: “For the success of Negotiators, Travelers, and Students.” In the Veritable Key of Solomon there is a pentacle under Mercury with the description “For the success of Negotiators, Travelers, and Students.” Working with my scryer, the spirits revealed that this pentacle was created for the wandering scholar who travels…

  • Fifth of Mercury: Clearing the Path

    Fifth of Mercury: Clearing the Path

    One of the most effective staples of folk magic practices the world over is the timeless Road Opening Spell. For those feeling stuck, for those feeling trapped or for those feeling stagnant, this magical strategy can and has changed a person’s stars and set them back on the path of momentum towards their goals. As…

  • Navigating Mercury Retrograde

    Navigating Mercury Retrograde

    Practical solutions for Mercurial troubles The dread that creeps into people’s hearts concerning the retrograded motion of the planet Mercury runs the gamut between mild annoyance to outright, lifestyle-altering fear in the minds of the occult community. Those who lean heavily on astrology debate endlessly the nature, impact and details of this celestial phenomenon and…

  • The Mercurial Mind

    The Mercurial Mind

    In an age of digital road openings and fast-paced shifting of structures of society, the magician’s best friend is often the powers of Mercury. Here at Practical Occult, we aren’t shy about stacking those boons atop eachother for the truly discerning individual. While individually, the Mercury pentacles change lives, sift through the sands of time…

  • Fourth Pentacle of Mercury

    Fourth Pentacle of Mercury

    From the Key of Solomon: “This is further proper to acquire the understanding and Knowledge of all things created, and to seek out and penetrate into hidden things; and to command those Spirits which are called Allatori to perform embassies. They obey very readily.” This month’s Practical Occult newsletter is a collaboration with occult author…