For those who would fill their hands with Promethean Fire rather than accepting a normal life
Magic should be something that fills the mind with wonder and the heart with yearning. I don’t imagine I’m alone when I say that I began doing this because I wanted to be astonished, to reach the unknown, to have power over the world and my place in it. I feel confident in assuming we all have a similar origin story when we began our first forays into spellwork. The soul-affirming feeling of astonishment that one feels when their first spell really works is a high that is worth a lifetime chasing.
Take a moment and remember what that felt like and ask yourself when you felt that feeling last.
The world has changed in unexpected ways in the past handful of years. It’s no difficult feat to look out into the landscape of life and see unfamiliar and intimidating shapes fill the horizon. In an existence where everything seems to shift suddenly and without warning, many people feel concern and uncertainty. Even some occultists who have taken the time to diligently study and train their craft feel like they stand on unstable ground these days.
It doesn’t take long to find magicians who live lives of quaking hesitation, quiet desperation and even bitter isolation. What happened to take us from the spark of glory that got us started to this? How did we go from people who touched the heart of the stars or walked the paths under the hills or left our bodies to go elsewhere to people who looked fearful at the turning tides of the world helpless and defeated?
Everyone in the occult world knows at least one magician that they would claim lives a truly charmed life. Those same people, when asked what the difference is between that person and themselves, often shake their heads and shrug their shoulders. I’ve been so deeply fortunate to know such people and to learn from them and I can fully say that the difference boils down to one thing, a thing that is simple but not remotely easy.
They decided to enchant their lives. Each and every part of it.
Are you the occultist for whom astral projection and lucid dreaming is a favorite hobby but also an escape from a tragically unfulfilling life? Are you able to glamour yourself to be spoiled for romantic choice but, between those trysts, you blunder through a haze of disgust and disdain for your extremely mediocre job? Are you able to summon money ventures and business opportunities but unable to reach out and find forever friends or lovers? Many occultists focus on magicking one or two aspects of their lives. Those who truly enchant their lives enchant all of it. From top to bottom, these people burn with witchcraft and shine with magnificence.
Now, that’s all well and good, you might say. Truly inspirational to read, you might think. Hell, anyone could easy respond with the very true statement that it is extremely easy to say that and walk off, leaving the reader holding a fist-full of nothing. How, they might ask, do I do the same?
This is where the Sorcerous Method comes in. For those truly discerning individuals who have become confident in their practices but are unsure how to best aim them to get the most out of life, Practical Occult has a solution. Mentorship and one-on-one coaching alongside an occultist with over two decades of experience in several magical systems and an eye on the protean aspects of life. With aid, direction and encouragement, it is inevitable that a practicing occultist will find their life transformed. I’ve walked several magicians hungry for a better life from one end of the spectrum to another.
The internet is full of genuinely good courses on magic. More books on the subject exist than one person could ever consume in a lifetime. You’ve gained the knowledge, you’ve gained the practices and you’ve done the training. Now comes the time to put that into your life with a strategy we will build together to see you to living a reality that you not only always dreamed of but one that you are powerful enough to bring into your own life. Sometimes all that it takes is the direction of someone who knows how it’s done to help you get the momentum going to do it for yourself.
In the Sorcerous Method I tailor make a plan alongside you working with the magic you already know to see you towards a greater future. We focus on eight pillars of life, how to enchant and enhance each one, and how to tie them together so the rising tide you create truly elevates all ships. Our goal isn’t just to enhance one or two factors of how you live but the entirely of it. Each month we sit for a session and hash out what must be done. Unlike a lot of mentors in the magical community who suggest that it is 90% mundane effort and 10% magic, I fully believe that it is 100% mundane effort and 100% magic. In this method, you are never without spells to cast, enchantments to weave and strategies to implement in order to raise your standard of living to something you always dreamed of.
Do you want an existence that is easy or one that is glorious? Did you learn magic to accept a mediocre experience or did you put the time in to reap the rewards worthy of being called a truly magical life? You owe yourself no less. I believe in you because I believe in magic. I only ask that you do the same.

The Sorcerous Method
If you’re the sort of occultist who has taken the courses, bought the books and put things into practice but still finds that your day-to-day is a far cry from what you’d hoped it’d be, this service is for you.
This post was originally a Practical Occult newsletter dated April 4th, 2022.