Category: Announcements

  • Nimataion · Talk with Alexander Moore

    Nimataion · Talk with Alexander Moore

    Bernhard Reicher interviews Alexander Moore of Practical Occult. How the stories of Koshchei the Deathless, Dracula and Doctor Strange inspired Alexander Moore to learn the best thing in the world. 

  • Magickal Campaigns: Longterm Magick for Sustainable Results with Alexander Moore of Practical Occult

    Magickal Campaigns: Longterm Magick for Sustainable Results with Alexander Moore of Practical Occult

    Alex Moore of Practical Occult joins creator and facilitator of The Re-Patterning Project, Arden Leigh for a discussion of Longterm Magick for Sustainable Results. Too often, even in the occult world, magick is seen as a binary that either works or doesn’t — that magick should be delivering radical results instantaneously or else it simply…

  • Pentacles for Entrepreneurs

    Pentacles for Entrepreneurs

    As the founder of Practical Occult I know what it is like to be self employed and work to get a small business off the ground. It is amazing and rewarding to have the level of autonomy associated with being your own boss, but it’s a lot harder and more stressful than working for someone…

  • Arcanvm Podcast: S3E10 Alison Chicosky

    Arcanvm Podcast: S3E10 Alison Chicosky

    In S3 E10, I sit down with practitioner, author, and founder of the brand Practical Occult, Alison Chicosky. We discuss her latest work on the Secrets of Helios, some perspectives on magic, working with the Greek Magical Papyri or PGM and more…

  • The Secrets of Helios – Alison Chicosky & Cory C. Childs – Hadean Podcast #4

    The Secrets of Helios – Alison Chicosky & Cory C. Childs – Hadean Podcast #4

    Alison Chicosky and Cory C. Childs join us this month to discuss their new translation and exegesis of PGM IV. 1596 – 1715, the Consecration for all Purposes, which they have named, ‘The Secrets of Helios’. Together we delve into the texts of the PGM, their importance to modern practice, adaptability and application, discussing the…

  • Coffee & Divination Podcast

    Coffee & Divination Podcast

    Episode 32: Alison Chicosky on Practical Magic and PGM Spells Our second episode of 2023, and it was a wonderful conversation with PGM and practical occult practitioner Alison Chicosky. Alison is the author of “The Secrets of Helios: Unlocking the Practical Uses of PGM IV.1596-1715” which was recently released by Hadean Press. She is a…

  • The Year to Come

    The Year to Come

    As each new year dawns it’s not uncommon for people to make high-hoped personal resolutions and promises to themselves in an effort to kick-start things. We all want improvement and we all want to see our lives enrich. Some of us are in less-than-ideal circumstances and we want to make a change. Here at Practical Occult, we…

  • CMN Interviews: The Secrets of Helios and Getting Good with Alison Chicosky

    CMN Interviews: The Secrets of Helios and Getting Good with Alison Chicosky

    In our latest interview, the Practical Occult owner and professional thaumaturgus Alison Chicosky talks to us about her new book, The Secrets of Helios: Unlocking the Practical Uses of PGM IV.1596-1715, how to become better at magic, the necessity of magic in the modern world, and occult customer service. All this and loads more, so…

  • Apotropaic Magic

    Apotropaic Magic

    Alison Chicosky of Practical Occult sat down with Alonzo Gaskill in this installment of “Religion Behind the Scenes” to discuss apotropaic magic (magic that wards off or turns away evil) on, the world’s largest English-Language Religion website. Simple Web Page What is Apotropaic Magic and Who Practices it? Related Classes Protection 101 In…

  • Kthonia Ritual Apothecary

    Kthonia Ritual Apothecary

    We at Practical Occult continue our focus on providing the utmost quality wares to our legions of discerning individuals as time goes on and as we expand. With the advent of our one-off classes which have in part a folk-magic focus on practical spellwork, we would settle for nothing less than the finest purveyor of…