PDM xiv. 574-85
Last night I was eating some fish and the tiniest bone got stuck in my throat. It wasn’t choking or cutting me, but it was extremely irritating, and I could feel it when I swallowed. I could not wash it down with further food and drink. I remembered there is a spell for someone who…
PGM CXXIII a 51-55 “For Sleep”
While the complex material mentioned in some PGM spells has almost become a running joke amongst practitioners, there are also many spells that require no material or something simple like a piece of paper or a leaf. Recently a friend mentioned that they had been sleeping poorly. I had this spell bookmarked for the next…
The Consecration for All Things This Resource Page is a collaboration between Cory C Childs and Alison Chicosky of Practical Occult “This is the consecration of all things. Address to the sun: “I call upon you, the greatest god, everlasting lord, master of the cosmos, who is over the cosmos and under the cosmos, stout…
Magical Experiments Podcast: Experimenting with Ancient Magic
In this episode Alison Chicosky talks about her magical work with Greek Papyri and pentacles. We discuss how to experiment and reconstruct ancient magical workings as well as how spirits can help with this kind of work. This episode aired January 21, 2021.
PGM VII. 193-96 For a Scorpion Sting
Not all magic is complicated. Our ancestors often used simple magic to handle common issues. Consider this scorpion sting spell from a collection of papyri written in Egypt during late antiquity. PGM VII- 193-96 For a Scorpion StingI first tested this when a friend who lives in Arizona posted that he had been stung by…