The Secrets of Helios
The Consecration of All Things, a spell to Helios located in PGM IV.1596-1715 is an invocation of the sun as eternal lord and ruler of the cosmos and a request for
various blessings to be granted contained in the larger collection known as the Greek Magical Papyri (Papyri Graecae Magicae, or PGM). It was written sometime
during the third or fourth century C.E. in Thebes as part of a larger document known as the Great Magical Papyri of Paris, which is believed to have been a
manual for the professional practitioner of magic. An example of Egyptian heka for personal use, this spell draws on the original and daily vivifying forces of the sun from Egyptian theology, combined with astrological lore surrounding the changing benefits of the sun in the hours, which are found in several other spells of the Greek Magical Papyri. This Guide seeks to help the reader understand the cultural context and nature of the spell, while also providing directions for the modern practitioner to perform this practical and well-tested magic.

“Excellent short practical work which serves well as a lead-in to the practices of the PGM”
-David Rankine, The Grimoire Encyclopedia
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Main Resources
For more assistance with this spell, please check out this Practical Occult resource page:
- The English Translation of PGM IV. 1596-1715 by Cory C. Childs
- Barbarous name pronunciation guide
- Link to a scan of the papyri at Bibliothèque nationale de France
*music in the video is a sample of the instrumental track by Cory C. Childs
Additional Resources
- Possible translations of the barbarous names
Magic of Antiquity Products by Practical Occult